Homeopathy - a gentle way to health

"This site contains general information about the principles of homeopathy and some self help tips, as well as specific information about my clinical practice. I hope you find the information you need here, and that it contributes to improving your health."
Gabriel Blass, Homeopathic Doctor, Glasgow.

Introduction to Homeopathy

image of mortar and pessle, homeopathic tools Homeopathy offers a safe and natural treatment for a wide range of acute and long-standing conditions and can benefit people of all ages. It is a holistic therapy. It considers not only physical symptoms, but also emotional and mental characteristics. As a complementary treatment, it can be used alongside conventional medicine if necessary.
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Gabriel Blass, Homeopathic doctor in Glasgow

british homeopathic society logoI have been involved with homeopathic medicine since 1987. In addition to my clinical practice, I lecture to other doctors, homeopaths and health-care professionals, give presentations to the public, and also train students of homeopathy. I am a Registered Member of the Society of Homeopaths. I am based in Glasgow.
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Clinics in Glasgow

I consult at two clinics in Glasgow, one situated in the city centre, and one in the south side.
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Homeopathic Consultations

Read more about what happens during a homeopathic consultation, and what form the treatment takes.
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