Homeopathic resources: self-prescribing

Homeopathic remedies are safe, but it is important not to miss a serious diagnosis, so if in doubt, seek professional advice. Homeopathy can be used alongside conventional treatment.

Homeopathic self-treatment is safe in conditions which are:
  • brief in duration and self-limiting
  • non-life-threatening and the diagnosis is clear e.g. colds, flu, sore throats, teething babies, cystitis, boils, occasional headaches, infant colic, indigestion, acute diarrhoea, motion sickness, exam nerves, etc.
  • first aid e.g. bruises, cuts, sprains, minor burns, insect stings. (Serious problems until help arrives.)

Find out the top 5 homeopathic remedies which everyone should have at home

Self-prescribing is not appropriate if:
  • it is a long-standing condition or it involves important organs
  • symptoms suggest a serious cause e.g. chest pain
  • the diagnosis is not clear
  • already undergoing professional homeopathic treatment
How to Prescribe

Homeopathy is based on the principle that “like cures like”. Each remedy has a “picture” and homeopathy works effectively when you can find a match between your symptoms and those of a particular remedy. For example, a headache may be throbbing, stabbing, pressing, better by heat or cold or pressure, etc. each suggesting a different picture. There are books and leaflets on homeopathy which can help you to find the correct match for your condition.

Remedies are readily available in two strengths (also called “potency”): 6c and 30c. 30c is preferable for a quicker response, but either can be used. The correct choice of remedy is more important than the potency.

Taking the remedy:
  • Avoid handling the tablets - use a clean spoon or tip into mouth from the lid of the bottle.
  • Remedies are absorbed in the mouth, so suck the remedy until it dissolves.
  • Avoid mints, menthol and eucalyptus when you are taking the remedy.
  • Keep remedies away from sunlight, high temperatures, and strong-smelling substances
    (e.g. perfume, disinfectants, nail-polish) to avoid inactivation. If stored correctly, homeopathic remedies will remain active for decades.
Repeating the remedy

The effects of the remedy depend on how OFTEN you take it. Guide for the use of 30c potencies (for 6c, double or treble the frequency)

  • If there is a lot of discomfort, repeat the remedy every 5-30 minutes.
  • For less urgent conditions, e.g. cough, food poisoning, etc., repeat every 1-2 hours.
  • For non-urgent conditions, e.g. flu, sore throat, teething, etc., repeat every 4-8 hours.

Once you see that the remedy has started to work, “stretch” the dose, that means, increase the gap between repetitions. THERE IS NO NEED TO REPEAT AS LONG AS THERE IS AN IMPROVEMENT - REPEAT IF SYMPTOMS RETURN.

As a rule of thumb, in acute conditions, if you have taken 6 repetitions of a remedy and there is absolutely no improvement, it is likely that a different remedy is needed.